Preparing Your Company Logo for your Safety Manual​

Read below for information on how to prepare your company’s logo for your custom safety manual.

Logo Best Practices

We know that not all our customers’ have business logos, so adding your company logo to your safety manual is optional (though definitely recommended!). We also recognize not all company logos have the same shape and size.

That said, you will want to ensure you have the right type of image file before you upload it to the SPS application. This ensures your safety manual comes out looking as professional as possible. To get the best results, ideally the file you upload for your logo should meet the following criteria:

  1. The image file should be a .png or .jpeg: The logo ideally should be a .png file
  2. The image file should be big enough: The image file you upload with your logo should be at least 500 pixels wide OR at least 300 pixels tall. 
  3. It’s best if the image has a transparent background: This isn’t required, but it works better if you have a .png image file with a transparent background. However, we can also work with .jpg image files that have white backgrounds. Any image files with a black background or some other color for a background won’t look good in your manual.

Uhhh... help please!

If you're not sure you have what you need (or if any of this information is just confusing), remember that we're always here to help!
You're welcome to e-mail over whatever you have and we'll happily help get your logo prepped and ready.

Logo Best Practices

The standard image size template used by the SPS system is 500 pixels tall by 300 pixels wide, because we analyzed many of our client’s logos over time and determined this shape is the most common for a business logo.

Of course, your company logo may not naturally fit in these dimensions — maybe it’s too tall, or too wide. If your logo’s dimensions aren’t correct and you simply upload your logo as-is into the SPS platform, your logo will be squished (or stretched) by the SPS platform to fit the dimensions — and you probably won’t like how it looks.

To fix this, your logo needs to be re-sized to fit inside the dimensions before you upload the logo into the SPS platform. The next section describes how to do this using a tool available online for free. And, as always, you can also contact us for help.

Logo Best Practices

You can re-size the image file with your company’s logo anytime using a free online tool available here:

Follow the below steps to re-size your logo to fit the standard 500 pixel by 300 pixel dimensions:

Step OneUse the file selector or drag and drop your logo file in the drop zone to upload your logo to the tool (only upload a .png, .jpg or .jpeg file — see note in above section):

This screen capture illustrates how to upload your logo when using the image resizer tool.

Step Two: You will be taken to a new page that displays the image/logo file you uploaded on the right and several options on the left. Enter the following options on the left menu:

  • Ensure Resize is selected on the top of the menu (not Crop or Flip & Rotate)
  • Ensure By Dimensions is selected on the second option (not As Percentage)
  • Uncheck the option Lock Aspect Ratio
  • Enter 500 in the Width box
  • Enter 300 in the Height box
  • Ensure that px (pixels) is selected for the unit of measurement below the Height box
  • Check the option Background fill
  • Select the option Transparent underneath the Background fill option
  • Select PNG under the setting for Save Image As

After entering the above options, your screen should look like the following screenshot:


Step ThreeNow click the Resize Image button and you will be taken to another page for a brief moment while the tool generates your re-sized logo. You will then be taken to a page where you can click the Download Image button to download your re-sized logo.

With your logo now re-sized to the proper dimension, it should be ready to upload to the SPS application platform to generate your company safety manual!