How to Pass a Manual Audit in Avetta® in 5 Easy Steps

If your company has ever used Avetta®, you are aware of the impact Manual Audits have on your client grades. Do you know how to easily upload your manual to meet audit requirements?  In this blog, I will provide step-by-step instructions on uploading your manual to pass a manual audit in Avetta® in 5 easy steps.

Step 1:  View your manual requirements

On the home page, under your tasks, you will see the open audit.  Click “COMPLETE” to open the requirements.

This will bring up the various requirements per your client that requested the audit based on your listed work types.

Step 2:  Ensure that your manual meets all of the listed requirements in Avetta®

Review each of the topics listed along with the questions under each document.  These questions must be answered accurately, or the manual will not pass the audit.  There are usually several requirements so this can be a daunting task.

Step 3:  Upload your manual

On the right-side menu, you will see the box to upload files.  Click the “choose” button to navigate to your manual file and upload the file.  If a previous manual has been uploaded, you will see it listed.

Step 4:  Submit your manual

Simply choose the “Submit” button above where the file was uploaded.

Step 5:  Check back to confirm approval of your manual audit

You should periodically check your Avetta® account to confirm that your manual was accepted as meeting all requirements. Note that it can take several weeks for an Avetta representative to complete the review.

Having trouble passing the manual audit in Avetta®?

Contact us at Safety Procedure Systems for a custom-built manual guaranteed to pass Avetta® manual audits.  Forms and training documents that meet Avetta’s requirements are also available.

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Blake Treu

About Safety Procedure Systems

Safety Procedure Systems provides custom-built safety compliance programs for businesses of all types through our self-service platform. We also provide full-service management of ISN®, Avetta®, Veriforce®, and other compliance accounts for contractors.

We’re dedicated to safeguarding your business while fostering enduring partnerships through honest, cost-effective service. If you have questions about building a safety manual or managing your ISN®, Avetta®, Veriforce®, or other account compliance, contact us today.

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